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Monday, July 16, 2007

BBC's Relationship Section

The BBC has a great online relationship guide which provides a broad overview on the many issues a couple may face over a lifetime. Our favorite section for couples is the seven secrets of successful relationships feature, which honestly lays down the basic essentials for love that lasts. We were surprised to see "Argue Well" as one of the seven secrets, but it did make a lot of sense. Here's a sample cut:
Couples who argue well don't have to worry about not always agreeing. A good argument is an opportunity to share your feelings and strengthen your bond by reaching a decision you're both happy with.
We also love the oh-so-scientific explanation for secret #6, "Touch Every Day":
Touching is a vital human need. Studies have shown that without touching, many animals - including humans - will die in childhood. Being caressed also lowers blood pressure and releases natural opiates in the brain, as well as the chemical oxytocin, which is essential for human pair-bonding.
For singles, our favorite section is the flirting and body language feature. The hardest part in trying to start a relationship is lighting that first spark and writer Tracey Cox provides a major assist with this one. We discover that words have a very minor role in making that first impression:

Fifty-five per cent of the impression we get from someone comes through our body language

Thirty-eight per cent is from the tone, speed and inflection of our voice

and a mere seven per cent is from what we're actually saying!

The most amusing secret flirting signal for us is "Pointing" because of how unconsciously people do it and how easy it is to catch once we know how to spot it:
Pointing. Sneak a peek at what their feet and hands are doing - we tend to point toward the person we're interested in. If we find someone attractive, we'll often point at them subconsciously with our hands arms, feet, legs, toes.
Finally, this flirty feature ends with a useful safety tip list for cyberdaters. We found the last tip the most practical:
Give the details of your date to several friends - where you'll be, the time you'll meet, the person's name, phone number and address. Get them to phone you an hour into the date to check you're OK; you phone them a few hours later to report in again.

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